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суббота, 15 декабря 2007 г.

Нехороший КДЕ

Про System Services man update-rc.d:
A common system administration error is to delete the links with the thought that this will "disable" the service, i.e., that this will prevent the service from being started. However, if all links have been deleted then the next time the package is upgraded, the package’s postinst script will run update-rc.d again and this will reinstall links at their factory default locations. The correct way to disable services is to configure the service as stopped in all runlevels in which it is started by default. In the System V init system this means renaming the service’s symbolic links from S to K.
Что же делает serviceconfig, который в Kubuntu 7.10 (kde-guidance)? Удаляет. Вообще, Kubuntu оставляет ощущение недоделанного дистрибутива. AmaroK постоянно косячит, в Gentoo этих проблем не наблюдаю.

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